Saturday, March 12, 2016

Lesson 2: The Magnificent Sevens (a structured way to approach Revelation)

Lesson 2: The Magnificent Sevens

Welcome back! (If this is your first visit, you can review last weeks lesson here),

Today I want to provide you with a couple of methods you can use to view the Book of Revelation.  you will find many outlines and timelines on the internet regarding this subject.  Probably so many that it might even make your study of Revelation even more daunting. (At least that is what happened to me.)  Eventually, after much searching and reading, I finally was able to put together the following that opened up the book to me in a more understandable manner. Please remember, though, there are so many views on this topic. I am not claiming this to the "right" way. It is just my way...

Recapitulation and Linear Views
There are 3 prominent series of visions/descriptions John goes through in the book.  The first are the 7 seals, then the 7 Trumpets, and finally the 7 bowls (wrath).

Some feel that those components follow each other sequentially and that each describe a different event - this is known as the Linear View.

Others think the three are all the same events, repeated three different times - this is known as the Recapitulation View.

There is also a view that believes there is some overlap of each section of Revelation - this is known as the Progressive View.
Progressive View

My view leans more towards the Recapitulation View, but with a few tweaks and differences.

First, I want to share with you want I call the "Magnificent Sevens". (Another movie reference...).  In the last article we touched briefly on numerology and its widespread use in Revelation.  Once such example is the number 7.  The number seven symbolizes completeness in the Bible. (God created all things and then rested in 7 days).

There is a pattern in Revelation that highlights several key components, (seven of them) and each has sub-components (seven of them).  Here is a chart depicting them.

Verses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Churches 1:1-3:2 Ephesus: The Loveless Smyrna: The Persecuted Pergamun: The Compromising Thyratia: The Corrupt Sardis: The Dead Philadelphia: The Faithful Laodicea: The Lukewarm
Seals 4:1-8:5 The White Horse The Red Horse The Black Horse The Pale Horse Martyrs under alter Earthquake & Black Sun The Trumpets
Trumpets 8:2-11:19 Hail Fire & Blood Mountain in sea turn to 1/3 blood Wormwood falls on 1/3 of Rivers 1/3 of Sun, Moon, Stars Demons from Abyss Demons Riders of the Euphrates Kingdom of the Lord
Histories 12:1-14:20 The Dragon The Woman The Sea Beast The Earth Beast The 144,000 The Announcers The Harvest
Bowls 15:1-16:21 Painful Sores Sea to Blood Rivers into Blood Sun Burns people Kingdom of Beast in Darkness Dries Euphrates, Armegeddon Judgment against Babylon!
Judgements 17:1-19:10 The Vision explained Announcement of the Fall of Babylon Call to God's People. Babylon's Judgement The kings lament The merchants lament The seafarer lament Destruction of Babylon
Visions 19:11-22:5 The White Rider comes! Invite birds to the Great Supper Beast and Kings Ready for war The thousand years Satan's Doom Judgement of Dead New Heaven and Earth

Now, from the chart above, you begin to see some patterns, that (to me) indicate the items are repeated (not an exact repeat - the diagram below will help with this).

This expands on the relationship between the various sections of the "Sevens".

I feel that studying the book in the order of the numbers, gives a good contextual representation of how the events will play out.

  • Starting with #1 to get an idea of the "frame of mind" the church will be in when the Tribulation starts.
  • #2 Is a high-level overview of all that is to come.  As we used to say in instructor school, "tell them what you're going to tell them."
  • Skipping to #4 now makes sense because this section gives an in-depth look into a lot of the major players in the book.  It gives some context and background that makes the other sections more clear.
  • #4 and #5 are what I think to be repeated descriptions of the same time period and events.  I do think there is a slight difference, in that #4 seems to lean toward the trials the antichrist will be allowed to unleash and #5 is clearly the wrath that God will unleash. (plus there are some interludes of encouragement and other items to discuss, like the witnesses).
  • #6 Is a listing of the Judgements that will be brought down on all who don't believe.
  • #7 Is a listing of the rewards to all those who endured faithfully.

Next week we'll take a closer look at the item #1, The Churches.

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Until next time,
God Bless you all,

Don't forget to check out my website,  And for those of you who have read my novel Providence, you can be assured that this journey through Revelation will show up in the next two books of the series, Purpose and Perseverance (hint, hint).

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