Monday, March 9, 2009

Yes, I stole it...

Okay, before you berate me about the title of my blog, I know it is not my original line. I got this from Dennis Miller's former rants from HBO. I used to love his rants with the witty and off the cuff references where he would just cut down anyone and everyone. Then he'd finish by saying,"Hey, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong." Of course he'd say it after working up a great bit of passion for what he was ranting on, and of course he'd have that little twinkle in his eye telling you that he didn't think he was wrong.

To me, that is the perfect line for any blogger. We are just here giving our opinions. There is a chance we could be wrong, but we don't think we are wrong, otherwise why would we have written what we wrote?

Having said that, thanks for visiting. I'll be submitting my first "rant" later, so come on back and see what has me clicking then.


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